Friday, May 4, 2007

Thank You For The Venom.

You'll know who you are, if mentioned.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for always being my friend. Thank you for the coincidence of us both getting broken up with on the same day.

Thank you for practically FORCING me to pick up my guitar again. Thank you for Cheering me up so much. Thank you for staying on the phone with me for hours over the past few nights. Thank you for telling me that Nothing was my fault. Thank you for all the hugs. Thank you for the picture. Thank you for the song. Thank you for not complaining about the fact that I tend to cry a lot. Thank you for not telling me that I need to get over it. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for helping me get my mind off things. Thank you for talking to me.
Thank you for all the hugs. Thank you for the silly comments and the goofy actions. Thank you for making me laugh when I needed it.

Thank you for telling me, "The only reason you are sensitive is because you have the heart of an artist." Thank you for always telling me that everything will be okay.

Thank you for talking to me. Thank you for Always Understanding me. Thank you for the great conversations we have together. Thank you for all the hugs. Thank you for all the hair bleaching/dying tips. Thank you for your witty humor. Thank you for always being there, even when you're far away.

Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for understanding depression. Thank you for all the hugs. Thank you for always being yourself.

Thank you. Really, thank you. Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for showing me that things aren't always perfect. Thank you for helping me realize that I cannot trust people as easily as I used to. Thank you for introducing me to the shitty side of things. Thank you for the emotions and the realizations. Thank you for the illusions. Thank you for the lies.

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